Aberdeen City Centre & Beachfront Masterplan – Beach Phase A

Project type – Beachfront Development

Phase A of the beachfront development will see the creation of two new major play and events parks and improvements to the iconic Broadhill.

The former beach leisure centre will also be demolished.

A stunning new play park is being constructed alongside a new events field with an amphitheatre and gateway buildings. The Broadhill improvements include upgrading footpaths, creating new viewing areas and adding new furniture.

The main contractor for the £57 million development is the Robertson Group and the works are due to be completed in July 2026.






Aberdeen City Council

Project Type

Beachfront Development

Tier 1 Contractor

Robertson Group

The superb facilities I am visiting today in Aberdeen provide modern, state-of-the-art services ensuring the dedicated and committed staff here in NHS Grampian have the best possible facilities and environment in which to care for patients.

Alex Salmond
Then First Minister of Scotland


The total value of the work awarded to local and national SMEs

School visits

New jobs created through the project

Placement Opportunities