Aberdeen Community Health & Care Village

Contract type – Design, Build, Finance & Maintain

The Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village became the first design, build, finance and maintain package to be completed in Scotland under the hub initiative when it was handed over to NHS Grampian in December 2013.

The innovative 6,500 sq metre health care complex on the city’s Frederick Street features an array of facilities ranging from physiotherapy and dental provision through to minor surgery suites and 29 consulting rooms.

Described as an urban community hospital without beds, its services include radiology, cardiac rehabilitation, podiatry, speech and language therapy, dietetics and sexual health services. Aberdeen City Council and Police Scotland are also key stakeholders in the project.

The cutting edge new facility features three internal courtyards designed to bring light in to the whole building and create a feeling of openness.

Miller construction used more than 800 tonnes of steel during a challenging build programme in which pioneering techniques were used, an approach replicated throughout the process from design to completion. The building has no boilers and uses Aberdeen Heat and Power’s district heating system for heating and hot water which is pumped from a central boiler plant in Seaton.

The village square area, housing the reception and cafe, has an innovative ETFE reinforced plastic inflated pillow roof whilst specially engineered acoustic windows along East North Street are designed to virtually eliminate traffic noise.


NHS Grampian

Project Type

New-build community health facilities

Tier 1 Contractor

Miller Construction, part of the Galliford Try group of companies

The superb facilities I am visiting today in Aberdeen provide modern, state-of-the-art services ensuring the dedicated and committed staff here in NHS Grampian have the best possible facilities and environment in which to care for patients.

Alex Salmond
Then First Minister of Scotland


The total value of the work awarded to local and national SMEs

School visits

New jobs created through the project

Placement Opportunities